Jonny Katz

  • What Influences a Customer to Buy Diamond Jewelry From Your Store?

    People pass a jewelry store in their travels, and like magic, they stop to stare at the window display of diamonds. Often, they enter because there’s just something very alluring about diamonds. What is the magic formula, then, that will move a person from simply gazing at your diamond jewelry to leaving your store as a customer after having purchased it from you?

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  • How Diamond Retailers Can Influence the Buying Process

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  • How to Create the Strongest Sales Team for Your Diamond Jewelry Store

    Because your sales associates are one of your best means of establishing your store’s reputation and making sales, you have to invest time, money and energy in them. For diamond retailers, its particularly important to get your sales team on track because the stakes are so high to the customer, and each diamond jewelry purchase is fundamentally wrapped up in their dreams. Every salesperson encountered on the way to concretizing those dreams has the responsibility to enhance the customer’s experience and improve the sale.

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  • Good Things Come in Small Packages: The Benefits of Being an Independent Diamond Jeweler

    If you are a small, local diamond jeweler, you have a big, varied advantage. You are able to provide personalized service of an entirely different caliber than that of the larger chains. And tapping into this ability is a great way to grow your business.

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  • Why Your Jewelry Store Needs a Virtual Diamond Inventory

    In order to remain competitive in the marketplace, diamond jewelers need to be aware of, and leverage, the latest trends. This can range from knowing the most popular current and coming jewelry styles, to staying abreast of the ever evolving methods of reaching new customers, such as we do today with social media. Keeping up with trends can be quite an investment and risky too, especially if you are investing based on a trend that you don’t know how long will last or how popular it will be. These risks can hold back some jewelers from moving with the times, but there is a way to overcome these risks at a minimal cost – by having a virtual inventory.

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